Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek

As Family Weekend approaches, so does the opening night of The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek. Fortunately, I was able to meet with a few of the actors from Trestle and ask them a few questions about the show.
Firstly, Trestle... was written by Naomi Wallace and is about Pace Creagan and Dalton Chance. “Pace is a very beautiful person,” says Irene Palmer, the actress who plays Pace. “But she’s extremely fractured. She is driven, passionate, hurt and a little rough with people.” Throughout the play, she is trying to show Dalton just how incorrect his views of what is important are. “He’s defensive,” JohnBen Lacy, who plays Dalton, tells me, “he wants to think his ideas are right, but they aren’t.” The story follows Pace and Dalton through their adventures in an American town that is hit hard by the Depression. It also focuses on the relationship between Pace and Dalton.
When asked what it was like to act in this play, JohnBen immediately responded “very challenging; definitely the most challenging role I have ever had.” Irene responded with similar comments calling it “draining.” “I get to dive off a 9 foot tall platform,” Irene continued, “It should be fun.”
Trestle... opens August 27 and runs through September 30. “Trestle... is beautifully written, interesting, and intriguing,” Stan Campbell told me. (Stan, the director the Grace Doherty Library, plays Dray, Dalton's father.) Irene agreed and also added that the play “had good language.” JohnBen admits “I really like it. It’s odd, interesting and I appreciate it the more I study it.” Trestle... promises to be thought provoking and unforgettable.
“I hope the audience feels some kind of emotional connection…something that tugs at them,” Stan told me when asked what he hopes the audience will get out of the performance. “I want the audience to realize that we need touch, and love and witness,” JohnBen said. Irene said, “The audience needs to realize that life changes are not bad because they change us. You just have to be in the right frame of mind to accept all of the changes. I hope they like it and feel connected.”

This play also features Will Johnston (Centre College ’04) and Adjunct Instructor Jane Dewey.

The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek runs Wednesday and Thursday of this week at 8:00 p.m., Friday at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday at 5:00 p.m. in Weisiger Theatre.

For more information or tickets call the Norton Box Office at (859)236-4692.

*Due to adult thematic content, this play is recommended for mature audiences*

By Lauren Young

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